Tips for your mental health: It only takes a minute

Take a moment to take care of your mental health!

CBS 2's Marie Saavedra talks to the experts and provides quick tips on easing your mind and improving your life! 

Mental Health Minute: Belly breathing 01:44
Mental Health Minute: Take a dance break 01:35
Mental Health Minute: Feeling grateful 01:29
Mental Health Minute: Five-finger breathing 01:23
Mental Health Minute: Find a resolution partner 01:20
Mental Health Minute: Be purposefully Imperfect 01:08
Mental Health Minute: Get lost in a story 01:19
Mental Health Minute: Clean to calm your mind 01:29
Mental Health Minute: Laughing equals better health 01:28
Mental Health Minute: Take a tech break 01:25
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